Hoardings Panels are up!

Have you driven along Stirling Road recently and spotted the much brighter-looking hoardings in Phase 2?

We're so pleased with how they've turned out!

We're grateful to South Cambridgeshire District Council for funding the original project and enabling us to use the design concept and artworks produced for the second chapter of this activity, to Homes England for funding that second chapter, and to Hudson Signs Ltd for supporting the printing costs of the panels.

Moreover, we're grateful to all the members of the Northstowe community who contributed inspiration photos and created pieces of art for this project during workshops with young people at the Connections Bus Project/Northstowe Youth Hive @ Northstowe Secondary College, and with people of all ages at the Northstowe Warm Hub.

And of course a massive thank you to the local creative professionals who worked on this project: artist Syrah Arnold and graphic designer Jeremy Kay!