Lakes Signage Project

We're really pleased to have once again collaborated with Homes England, commissioning local artist Chloe Leaper to work with the Northstowe community to design and create sculptural signs for two of the new Northstowe lakes: Unity Lake and Halcyon Mere.

Unity Wreath and the Halcyon Mere sign, with artist Chloe Leaper


Have you downloaded the Lake Signs Nature Trail yet? 

Start at the Unity Wreath (near Lockhart Way) and wend your way round to the Halcyon Mere sign. See what you can spot along the way!

Chloe Leaper - Project Artist

Willingham-based artist and sculptor, Chloe Leaper, is also an Associate Lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University. She's recently completed Northstowe's first permanent public art project: a sculpture inspired by Northstowe's heritage and making use of discarded archaeological material found in Northstowe.

Lake names

The lakes have been named by local residents, giving each of the lakes an identity and making it easier for meeting friends or for events and activities.

Lake 2 - Unity Lake

Chosen by Matthew Wood and his daughter for a community committed to working together and finding common ground. Judges felt this name would signify Northstowe's community and surrounding communities coming together to enjoy the space.

Lake 3 - Halcyon Mere

Chosen by Andrew Collier to reflect the sanctuary found by wild birds in the area. The Halcyon bird in Greek mythology has the power to calm the rough oceans to nest. Judges felt the name reflected the planned natural tranquillity of this lake.


Chloe began the project by having conversations with all sorts of people within the Northstowe community about the lakes and what the names mean to them. 

Environmental sustainability is a priority for this project, so Chloe is working with Sustainable Northstowe and putting lots of thought into reusing materials and the circular economy.

First up is the Unity Lake sign...

Local resident Matthew Wood who named Unity Lake, with project artist Chloe Leaper
Exploring natural ratios
Homes England staff constructed their "personal pentagons"
Chloe's studio wall is filling up!
Community members submitted designs based on a grid
How should the text sit?
How will we interact with the sign?
What sort of size should it be?

Chloe then undertook research and ran community workshops for the Halcyon Mere sign...

Community members shared photos of birds in Northstowe
A bridge over the lake is a major inspiration
Exploring lines
Exploring the geometry of murmurations
At the community design workshop, we made drawings of the birds using strips of paper to represent scrap metal
Local resident Andrew Collier who named Halcyon Mere, with some of the designs created during the workshop
The first maquettes of the birds
How the sign might look in the landscape

We had a fantastic time launching the Unity Wreath with members of the Northstowe community, Stardust Dance Academy and local origami artist Imelda Pinter - although we missed Chloe as she was ill that day!

Ribbon dance with Stardust Dance Academy
Adding origami cranes as tokens of luck to Northstowe, the Wreath, and our new community
Mari (director of Northstowe Arts) with local origami artist Imelda Pinter and Hannah Batchelor of Stardust Dance Academy
The Wreath makes a great frame! How could it be dressed to celebrate different seasons?
Photos of Launch Event by The Willcox Collective
Chloe and Chris install the Halcyon Mere sign
The bug hotel is already fully booked! The pattern of holes was created by students at Pathfinder Primary
The visual language tying the two sculptural signs together is perhaps most clear in the plinths
The arctic tern, short-eared owl and buzzard, arranged to follow the lines of the mute swan - all birds photographed by Northstowe Wildlife Watch - and the nest, inspired by Northstowe resident Val's reed pattern

With thanks to Homes England for commissioning this project!