Creative Get-Togethers

Creative Get-Togethers are an opportunity on Wednesday evenings (7-9pm, at The Cabin (Northstowe's Community Centre on the Green)) to focus on your creativity, in the company of like-minded people, with a cup of tea and a biscuit included!

This is time for YOU – whether you join us regularly or just once in a while, whether you come with your own craft or ready to try something new, whether you come on your own or with a friend or two. 

Check out the full programme below: there's BYOC (Bring Your Own Craft), jazz jamming, and more – what would you like? Let us know!

Although this programme is aimed at adults, older children are welcome but must be accompanied.

You can either book your place in advance using the links below (we'd prefer this as it helps us to put the right number of chairs out!), or turn up with cash or card on the night, that's fine too. We ask for a donation to cover the costs of hiring the venue, promoting and managing the sessions. However, we don't want this to be a barrier for you; you are still very welcome to come if a donation is not feasible for you.

We're currently looking at alternative ways to run these sessions - sign up to our newsletter to receive further updates direct to your inbox and watch this space for further details! 

With thanks to Localgiving and Postcode Places Trust, a grant-giving charity funded by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, for part-funding this project with a Magic Little Grant!